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  • Registro Civil | ESJP Abogados

    Civil Registry Our lawyers in Oaxaca are a legal team trained to help you carry out your procedures before the Civil Registry of Oaxaca, even if you are outside the state or the country, we can help you, even if you are in the United States, Canada, or a European country. We are a legal team that can help you clarify, correct or rectify birth certificates in Oaxaca. Do not hesitate to contact us at or at 9511893699. Registration of minutes Birth. Adoption. Marriage. Divorce. Death. Recognition of child. Inscripción de actos celebrados en el extranjero Birth. Adoption. Marriage. Divorce. Death. Clarification of birth certificate Spelling, linguistic, typing or writing errors and surname inversions are corrected if the other data clearly show such inversion, as well as the lack of non-essential data, the deduction of which is possible based on the other data existing in the record. Clarification of birth certificate by use Clarification of birth certificate by use allows you to add a first or second surname to the one already registered on your birth certificate. This happens when you have used two surnames in your daily life, but only one appears on your official certificate. Authorization for late registrations older than 6 years. Grants authorization to register the birth of persons who were not registered in time. Digitization of minutes If you cannot print your birth certificate online, even if you have entered your data correctly, it is likely that your certificate is not digitalized, so it must be registered in the system. Contact us Call us 24/7 at 951 189 3699 or fill out the form below and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Enviar ¡Gracias por tu mensaje!

  • Asesoría Empresarial | ESJP Abogados

    Proyectos de Inversión en Oaxaca Investments for a new economic reality Private Transportation Sector in Oaxaca Within the framework of the Interoceanic Corridor and its impact on the world economy We are pleased to present an exciting investment opportunity in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Region, Mexico. We have established contact with Autotransportes Transístmica SA de CV, a leading company in the passenger transport sector in the region. This collaboration is part of the development of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, a strategic project that promises to transform connectivity and economic growth in the area. The Interoceanic Corridor has the potential to become a highly important global logistics hub, facilitating trade and transport between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The participation of Autotransporte Transístmica SA de CV in this project is essential, since its experience and operational capacity in passenger transport will contribute significantly to the success of the corridor. To carry out this ambitious initiative, we are seeking both domestic and foreign capital to enable us to finance and expand our operations, improve existing infrastructure and maximise growth opportunities. Investment in this project not only promises attractive financial returns, but will also have a positive impact on the economic and social development of the region. We invite interested investors to join us on this exciting journey. Your participation will be crucial to realizing the potential of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Interoceanic Corridor and contributing to the progress and well-being of local communities. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to schedule a meeting at Inversiones en la autopista a Puerto Escondido Oaxaca Como todos sabemos Oaxaca, ha iniciado una transformación, derivado de su importancia como punto estratégico de operaciones comerciales de impacto mundial a través del corredor interoceánico; por otra parte sus destinos turísticos se convierten en oportunidades de inversión atractivas, por ello, te invitamos a visitar la sección de inmobiliaria donde encontrarás diversos inmuebles en venta, destacándose entre ellos, los ubicados en la costa de Oaxaca.

  • ESJP Abogados | Abogados en Oaxaca

    Strategies and S olutions Legal ​ Professionals ​ esjp lawyers in oaxaca SERVICES Professional approach Exceptional quality of our Lawyers in Oaxaca The ESJP Abogados legal team is made up of Oaxacan lawyers who are distinguished by their focus on litigation related to Human Rights . We fervently believe that the legal profession should be a tool that offers our clients the best attention and, above all, the most effective solutions to their legal problems. As lawyers based in Oaxaca, we have professional skills that allow us to develop solid legal strategies, thus strengthening the interests of those we represent. One of our main strengths lies in the incorporation of technological tools that enhance our legal services. These tools allow us to establish immediate communication with our clients and guarantee convenience in the attention and processing of legal matters. In addition, by carrying out legal processes on virtual platforms, our clients can be closer to their cases, avoiding unnecessary expenses in travel and time. We are the best option for lawyers in Oaxaca, our dedication and experience are your guarantee of success. La inteligencia artificial (IA) también desempeña un papel crucial en nuestra firma. Algunas ventajas que hemos experimentado al incorporar IA en nuestros servicios legales son: Especialización : Nos especializamos en diversas ramas del derecho, manteniéndonos siempre actualizados en nuestros conocimientos. Calidad del servicio : Nuestro compromiso es brindar un servicio de alta calidad, con atención personalizada, soluciones efectivas y una comunicación clara y constante con los clientes para generar confianza y fidelidad. Tecnología aplicada : Implementamos herramientas tecnológicas que mejoran la eficiencia y precisión en nuestros procesos legales. La IA nos ayuda a analizar datos, predecir resultados y agilizar tareas, lo que beneficia tanto a nuestros clientes como a nuestro equipo legal. Contact us Call us 24/7 at 951 189 3699 or fill out the form below and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Likewise, we await you by appointment at La Paz Boulevard number 108, Colinas de La Soledad Colony, San Felipe del Agua Agency, Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca. Enviar ¡Gracias por tu mensaje!


    Contact us Call us 24/7 at 951 189 3699 or fill out the form below and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Enviar ¡Gracias por tu mensaje!

  • Sentencias Destacadas | ESJP

    Sentencias Destacadas At ESJP, we are proud to offer a wide range of legal services to meet the needs of our clients. Our team of highly trained and experienced attorneys in Oaxaca is committed to providing effective legal solutions and favorable results in every case. We are very pleased to share with you some favorable rulings we have obtained for those clients who have placed their trust in our legal team. We understand that the need of any person looking for a lawyer is to have the peace of mind of truly having an expert professional who can solve their problems. As a legal team, we have the satisfaction of having excellent results in: Labor matters: We have managed to win labor lawsuits against PEMEX, where the reinstatement of the worker and the payment of their back wages have been ordered. Administrative Matter: Given the ISSSTE's refusal to provide a widow's pension to IEEPO workers, we have managed to get the ISSSTE to pay the denied widow's pension from the date of death and to grant it monthly for life. Family Matters: We always manage to have empathy with our clients that allows us to fight for their personal and family interests, always seeking the best result. Social security Con un historial comprobado de éxito en los casos más desafiantes contra el ISSSTE, nuestra firma se ha destacado por defender con vehemencia los derechos de quienes han sido afectados por decisiones arbitrarias y desfavorables. La reciente victoria en el juicio de amparo es un testimonio brillante de nuestra capacidad y determinación para enfrentar y ganar, incluso cuando el ISSSTE utiliza argumentos complejos como la "incompatibilidad de pensión". Personal Injury Law At ESJP, we understand how devastating personal injuries can be and the impact they can have on your life. Our team of Personal Injury Law attorneys are dedicated to helping victims get the compensation they deserve. Whether you have suffered a car accident, a workplace injury, or any other type of personal injury, we are here to provide you with the necessary legal support and fight for your rights. Corporate Law In today's business world, it is crucial to have sound and reliable legal advice to protect your company's interests. At ESJP, our team of corporate law attorneys have the experience and knowledge to provide you with strategic legal advice in all areas of business law. Whether you need help with your company formation, business contracts, or business litigation, we are here to provide you with the legal support you need to achieve business success.

  • Acerca de | ESJP

    About us Since its founding in 2010, ESJP has offered legal services in Oaxaca. Whether you need legal advice or assistance with a court case, our team of highly trained Oaxacan lawyers will be with you at every stage and deal with any issues that may arise along the way. With ESJP, you can feel comfortable, safe and confident knowing that your case is in the hands of the best. We are a legal team whose members are specialized in various legal branches, having among their service portfolios resounding successes in matters of a commercial, family, fiscal, administrative, labor, civil nature, among others. Therefore, if you need a lawyer in Oaxaca, we are your best option. Contact us

  • Amparo | ESJP Abogados

    Amparo What is it? In Mexico, the Amparo is a legal "shield" that protects human rights and individual guarantees against acts of authority that violate them, regulated by the Amparo Law and the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. It allows any person to challenge unjust actions or those that violate their fundamental rights. If a law or act of authority affects your rights, you can go to the Amparo trial. The court will review your case and, if the violation is confirmed, may order the act to be stopped or corrected, thus guaranteeing respect for the rights of Mexican citizens within the legal limits. There are two types of protection. Direct Amparo is a legal tool that allows a person to request the protection of the federal justice system when a final judgment (a final decision in a trial) or a resolution (an important decision within the trial) violates their constitutional rights. Characteristics of Direct Protection: Objective : To protect against final judgments or resolutions that violate constitutional rights. Procedure : It is initiated before the court that issued the contested decision and is sent to the Circuit Collegiate Court for review. Last resort : It is used when there are no more ordinary resources available within the same trial. Who can apply : Anyone affected by a final court decision that they consider unfair to their constitutional rights. Result : If granted, it may annul the contested judgment or resolution and order a new decision that respects the applicant's constitutional rights. The court reviews the case and may request more information or evidence if necessary. After reviewing all the elements, the court decides whether or not to grant the relief. Direct Amparo guarantees that judicial decisions respect the fundamental rights enshrined in the Mexican Constitution, ensuring justice and equity. Indirect Amparo is a legal protection in Mexico that is used when a person feels that an authority has violated their human rights or individual guarantees, but it is not a final judgment. This type of amparo is presented before a District Judge. Characteristics of Indirect Protection: Objective : To protect against acts of authority that violate human rights or individual guarantees, without being final sentences in trials. Instances : It is initially presented before a District Judge and, if the resolution is not favorable, it can be appealed before a Circuit Collegiate Court. Scope of application : It can be used against laws, administrative acts, arrest warrants or any act of authority that is not a final judgment . Procedure : Requires the submission of a written statement detailing the facts and constitutional violations . The judge reviews whether the requested protection should be granted. Purpose : Seeks to correct or stop actions by authorities that violate rights before the final conclusion of the ordinary judicial process. For example, if an authority such as ISSSTE denies you a right, such as a widow's pension, you can file an indirect appeal so that a judge can review whether this determination is legal and, if it is not, order that it be granted to you. This process ensures that the actions of the authorities remain within the law and do not violate people's rights. ¿Quiénes resuelven el Juicio de Amparo? Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN): Function: As the highest court in Mexico, the SCJN handles the most significant amparo cases, especially those that have a national impact or require a direct interpretation of the Constitution. Example: If a new law affects the rights of millions and is challenged, the SCJN could make the final decision on its constitutionality. Tribunales Colegiados de Circuito: Función: Manejan la mayoría de los casos de amparo directo , revisando decisiones finales de otros tribunales para asegurar su legalidad y equidad. Ejemplo: Si consideras que se cometieron errores que afectan tus derechos en un caso judicial , puedes apelar ante un Tribunal Colegiado de Circuito. District Judges and Collegiate Courts of Appeal: Function: District judges handle indirect protection cases, where actions by authorities that are not final judgments are challenged. Example: If an authority makes a decision that affects your rights, such as an arrest warrant , you can go to a district judge to review its legality. El amparo puede proteger una amplia gama de derechos fundamentales, como la libertad personal, la libertad de expresión, el derecho a un juicio justo, la igualdad ante la ley, entre otros. Además, su alcance puede extenderse a actos de autoridades administrativas, legislativas o judiciales. Por eso, desde el origen de nuestra nación, J osé María Morelos y Pavón en "Los Sentimientos de la Nación" específicamente mencionó la necesidad de un tribunal que proteja a los ciudadanos de decisiones arbitrarias. En el punto 23 de este documento, Morelos expresó: ​ "Que la Ley igual proteja a todos, y que esta se dicte de tal manera que, protegiendo la libertad y los derechos de todos, exista un tribunal que proteja de las decisiones arbitrarias." ​ Por lo anterior, nuestro equipo de abogados en Oaxaca, tiene la capacidad necesaria para ayudarte a enfrentar tus problemas legales por más desafiantes que estos sean. Por eso, nos comprometemos a ser tu mejor opción para brindarte el apoyo necesario mediante el juicio de amparo. Nuestro equipo de expertos está dedicado a proteger tus derechos y garantizar que se haga justicia en cada caso. ​ Confíe en nosotros para defender sus intereses con profesionalismo y dedicación. ​ Do you need help? Contact us

  • Derecho administrativo | ESJP Abogados

    Administrative Law What is it? Administrative law is a branch of public law that regulates the organization, operation and activities of the public administration, as well as the relations between it and citizens. In other words, it is responsible for regulating the actions of the State in its role as administrator of public resources and in the provision of services to society. At its core, administrative law focuses on rules and principles that govern the administrative activity of the State, including the actions of its bodies, officials and employees. This ranges from the creation of regulations and public policies to the execution of administrative decisions and the resolution of conflicts that may arise in this area. It is responsible for the administrative organization, that is, the structure and functioning of the public administration, including the division of powers, the creation of public bodies, the distribution of powers and the hierarchy within the administration. It regulates the rules and processes that must be followed in the actions of the public administration, from the development of regulations to the taking of individual decisions that affect citizens. This includes guarantees of citizen participation, transparency, access to information and administrative resources to challenge decisions. El derecho administrativo regula la prestación de servicios públicos esenciales, como educación, salud, transporte, seguridad, entre otros. Esto implica establecer normas para su organización, financiamiento, acceso y calidad. Se encarga de regular los procedimientos y normas aplicables a la contratación de bienes y servicios por parte de la administración pública, garantizando la legalidad, transparencia y eficiencia en el uso de los recursos públicos. At our law firm, we offer comprehensive advice on administrative law, covering various situations and conflicts that may arise between individuals and the public administration. Our team of experts is prepared to assist in the following cases: Defense against fines and administrative sanctions : Representation and defense in cases of fines imposed by the SAT, advice for the presentation of administrative appeals, negotiation with tax authorities, and strategies for the reduction or cancellation of fines. Administrative procedures : Assistance in procedures and processes before various government entities, preparation and presentation of appeals, review and nullity resources, and representation in administrative hearings and trials. Defense of human and constitutional rights : Advice on cases of human rights violations by authorities, presentation of complaints and appeals to human rights organizations, and strategic litigation in defense of constitutional rights. Contact us today to receive expert legal advice and resolve any issues related to administrative law in Oaxaca! Do you need help? Contact us

  • Derecho penal | ESJP Abogados

    Criminal law Criminal law is a branch of public law that regulates human behavior that is considered a crime, as well as establishing the legal consequences that those who commit such crimes must face. Its main objective is to maintain social order, protect the rights and security of people, and promote peaceful coexistence in society. Have you been the victim of a crime and don't know how to file a complaint ? We are here to help you! To file a complaint in the state of Oaxaca, the following procedure is generally followed: following procedure: Go to the competent authority : You must go to the Attorney General's Office of the State of Oaxaca (FGE) or the corresponding Specialized Prosecutor's Office the type of crime you want to report. You can also file the complaint at a nearby Public Prosecutor's Office. Filing the complaint : Once at the prosecutor's office or agency, you must file your complaint verbally or in writing. It is recommended that it be in writing to formally record the act. Required Documentation : The documents that are generally requested to file a complaint in Oaxaca are: Current official identification of the complainant (INE, passport, professional ID, among others). Personal data of the complainant (full name, address, contact telephone number). Detailed description of the events being reported, including location, date and time. If available, any evidence related to the crime (photographs, videos, documents). If you are a victim, additional information may also be requested, such as the name and personal details of the aggressor (if known). Signing the complaint : The complainant must sign the complaint to legally validate it. Don't forget to ask for the investigation file number. Follow-up : Once the complaint has been filed, the relevant authority will proceed with the investigation of the case. It is important that the complainant is willing to cooperate with the authority during the investigation process, providing any additional information that may be required. In any criminal proceeding, a number of procedural guarantees must be respected to ensure a fair trial. This includes the right to be informed of the charges, the right to legal defence, the right to a fair trial, among others. That is why our Lawyers in Oaxaca are a great option to help you in any criminal process, whether you are the victim or the accused, do not hesitate to contact us. Do you need help? Contact us

  • Propiedades | ESJP

    VILLA DE MITLA, OAXACA, MÉXICO Address : EC Mitla - Tehuantepec International Highway. AGRICULTURAL land use, PRIVATE property. Lot area: 5,275.00 M2 . Property value: $4,009,000.00 (Four million nine thousand pesos 00/100 MN). Services : Access to international highway, close to light pole, proven water in groundwater at 10 m depth, gas station, restaurants and public security module. Are you interested? Contact us VILLA DE MITLA, OAXACA, MÉXICO Address : EC Mitla – Tehuantepec International Highway. AGRICULTURAL land use, PRIVATE property. Lot area: 10,720.00 M2 . Property value: $ 8,040,0000 (Eight million forty thousand pesos 00/100 MN). Services : 100 m long access road (to international highway) by 4 m wide dirt road, near light pole, gas station, proven water in groundwater at 10 m depth, restaurants and public security module. Cost includes planting of maguey. Are you interested? Contact us VILLA DE MITLA, OAXACA, MÉXICO Address : EC Mitla – Tehuantepec International Highway. AGRICULTURAL land use, PRIVATE property. Lot area: 4,245.80 M2 (APPROX). Property value: $ 2,547,480.00 (Two million five hundred forty-seven thousand four hundred eighty pesos 00/100 MN). Services : Access to international highway, close to light pole, proven water in groundwater at 10 m depth, gas station, restaurants and public security module. Are you interested? Contact us RANCHO VALCHIADA, EL MAZUNTE, OAXACA, MÉXICO Address : Bugambilias Street, 70946 Mazunte, Oax. URBAN property, COMMUNAL property. Lot area: 3197.79 M2 . Property value: $ 11,476,652.97 (Eleven million four hundred seventy-six thousand six hundred fifty-two pesos 97/100 MN). Services : Two accesses, one pedestrian and the other for vehicles, electricity and drinking water (8th intake from the distribution tank to the population). Are you interested? Contact us RANCHO YUVIAGA, SANTIAGO XANICA OAXACA Address : Santiago Xanica, Oaxaca. PRIVATE property. Lot area: 530 HA . Property value: $ 32,860,000.00 (Thirty-two million eight hundred sixty thousand pesos 00/100 MN). Services : Road that connects to the municipal capital of San Miguel del Puerto and to federal highway 200, electric service, drinking water (aquifers for drilling artesian wells). Are you interested? Contact us RANCHO EL CIMIENTO, SAN FELIPE DEL AGUA, OAXACA DE JUÁREZ Address : San Felipe del Agua, Oaxaca de Juarez. AGRICULTURAL land use, RURAL property, PRIVATE property. Lot area: 62,225.82 M2 . Property value: $ 24,890,328.00 (Twenty-four million eight hundred ninety thousand three hundred twenty-eight pesos 00/100 MN). Services : Pedestrian access, road access (highway, etc.), electricity and drinking water. Are you interested? Contact us OAXACA DE JUÀREZ, CENTRO, OAXACA Address : First Street, Independence Square, Centro, Oaxaca De Juarez, Oaxaca. Land use RESIDENTIAL , PRIVATE property. Lot area: 200.00 M2 . Property value: $ 5,000,000.00 (Five million pesos 00/100 MN). Services : Water, drainage, electricity, landline telephone, cell phone signal, bus terminals, auto parts stores, supermarkets and gas station. Property Description : 2 floors, 5 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 service patio, 1 garage and 1 cistern. Are you interested? Contact us OAXACA DE JUÁREZ, CENTRO, OAXACA Address : Calle Av. Miguel Hidalgo, Centro, Oaxaca. Land use RESIDENTIAL , PRIVATE property. Lot area: 315.00 M2 . Property value: $ 7,000,000.00 (Seven million pesos 00/100 MN). Property Description : 5 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Living Room and 1 Service Patio. Are you interested? Contact us OAXACA DE JUÁREZ, OAXACA, MÉXICO Address : Allende Street No. 407, San Felipe Del Agua, Oaxaca De Juarez. Land use RESIDENTIAL , PRIVATE property. Lot area: 1,086.16 M2 . Construction area: 282.47 M2 . Property value: $ 8,000,000.00 (Eight million pesos 00/100 MN). Services : Water, drainage, electricity, landline, cell phone signal, educational centers, hospitals, shopping centers and banks. Are you interested? Contact us SAN ANDRES HUAYAPAM, OAXACA Services : Water, electricity and drainage. The property is located four blocks from the municipal palace, planted with fruit trees. Are you interested? Contact us SALINA CRUZ, OAXACA Address: Transismic Highway Interior Market December 12 Colonia, May 1st, Salina Cruz, Oaxaca. Are you interested? Contact us PUERTO ESCONDIDO, SAN PEDRO MIXTEPEC, MÉXICO Address : Av. COMMERCIAL land use, PRIVATE property. Lot area: 312.00 M2 . Property value: $ 14,000,000.00 (Fourteen million pesos 00/100 MN). Services : Access to cobblestone and main beach, water, drainage, electricity, landline, cell phone signal, shopping centers and banks. Are you interested? Contact us COLONIA LOMAS DE VISTA BELLA, MORELIA, MICHOACÁN Address : Tzintzuntzan Street, Lomas de Vista Bella Neighborhood, Morelia, Michoacan. RESIDENTIAL land use. Property value: $ 6,998,859.83 (Six million nine hundred ninety-eight thousand eight hundred fifty-nine pesos 83/100 MN). Property Description : Furnished house, 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, Jacuzzi (master bedroom), living room (1st floor), anteroom (2nd floor), dining room, kitchen, stationary gas, garage for 4 cars, service yard, cistern and cellar. Are you interested? Contact us PREDIO SOBRE AUTOPISTA OAXACA ISTMO Address : Tzintzuntzan Street, Lomas de Vista Bella Neighborhood, Morelia, Michoacan. RESIDENTIAL land use. Property value: $ 6,998,859.83 (Six million nine hundred ninety-eight thousand eight hundred fifty-nine pesos 83/100 MN). Property Description : Furnished house, 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, Jacuzzi (master bedroom), living room (1st floor), anteroom (2nd floor), dining room, kitchen, stationary gas, garage for 4 cars, service yard, cistern and cellar. Are you interested? Contact us

  • Inmobiliaria | ESJP

    Real estate solutions Do you want to sell or buy a property? Whether you are looking to buy, sell or rent a property in the state of Oaxaca, we are here to help you find the best option. Our team of experts will guide you through every step of the process, providing you with reliable and efficient advice. Find out how our team can collaborate with you to make your goals a reality. Take advantage of the unique opportunities offered by the Interoceanic Corridor in Oaxaca. Whether you are looking to buy, sell or rent properties, our team of experts is here to guide you. We offer personalized and efficient legal advice for foreign investors, ensuring that you find the best options to maximize your investment. Find out how we can help you realize your goals in this thriving market. View Properties Contact us

  • Derecho Civil | ESJP ABOGADOS

    Civil Law What is it? Secondly, civil law deals with the assets of individuals. This involves everything related to property and assets, such as the acquisition, possession, transmission and protection of the same. It also includes contracts and obligations arising from legal relations between parties, whether civil or commercial. Within the area of property, civil law regulates a wide variety of situations, such as sales, leasing, donations, inheritance and civil liability. It also addresses more complex issues, such as intellectual property, property rights, industrial property and consumer protection. Civil law is a branch of law that is responsible for regulating legal relationships between people in their daily lives, both in personal and property matters. It is one of the oldest and most fundamental branches of law, as it covers a wide range of situations and relationships that affect the lives of people in society. En primer lugar, el derecho civil se ocupa del estado civil de las personas. Esto incluye aspectos como el nacimiento, la filiación, el matrimonio, el divorcio, la adopción, la patria potestad y la tutela. Estas normas establecen los derechos y obligaciones de los individuos en relación con su estado civil y su familia, así como los procedimientos para su reconocimiento y protección legal. Nuestros Abogados en Oaxaca, podemos brindarte el apoyo necesario para ejercer diversas acciones legales para resolver conflictos y proteger tus derechos en materia civil. A continuación, te mencionamos algunas de las acciones civiles más comunes en las cuales te podemos ayudar: Reivindicatoria : Para recuperar la posesión de un bien inmueble o mueble del que se tiene derecho de propiedad y que se encuentra en posesión de otra persona sin derecho. Nulidad : Para declarar la nulidad de un acto jurídico, como un contrato, por vicios del consentimiento, falta de capacidad legal, objeto ilícito, o violación de disposiciones legales. Rescisión de Contrato : Para poner fin a un contrato debido al incumplimiento de alguna de las partes. Cumplimiento de Contrato : Para exigir el cumplimiento forzoso de las obligaciones pactadas en un contrato. Daños y Perjuicios : Para reclamar una indemnización por los daños y perjuicios sufridos debido a actos u omisiones de otra persona. Prescripción Adquisitiva (Usucapión): Para adquirir la propiedad de un bien inmueble mediante la posesión continua, pública y pacífica por el tiempo que establece la ley. Apeo y Deslinde : Para determinar los límites exactos entre propiedades contiguas y resolver disputas sobre los mismos. Interdicción : Para declarar la incapacidad legal de una persona debido a enfermedad mental, discapacidad intelectual u otras razones, y nombrar un tutor o curador. Copropiedad : Para resolver conflictos entre copropietarios de un bien inmueble o para la división de la cosa común. Cancelación de Gravámenes : Para solicitar la eliminación de hipotecas, embargos u otros gravámenes sobre bienes inmuebles una vez cumplidas las condiciones para su cancelación. Estas son algunas de las acciones civiles más comunes que se pueden ejercer en Oaxaca. Cada una de ellas tiene procedimientos y requisitos específicos establecidos por la legislación civil del estado y la legislación federal aplicable. Do you need help? Contact us

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