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  • Derecho familiar | ESJP Abogados

    Family Law Family law is a branch of civil law that regulates legal relationships that arise within the family and that involve its members. Its main objective is to protect and regulate the emotional, economic and legal ties between parents, children, spouses and other family members. It covers marriage and conjugal unions. It establishes the rules and requirements for entering into marriage, as well as the rights and obligations of the spouses during the marriage. It also regulates situations such as divorce, separation, annulment of marriage and dissolution of de facto unions. It regulates other emotional and cohabitation relationships, such as de facto couples, cohabitation unions and single-parent families. It recognises the rights and obligations of couples who live together without being legally married, as well as children born out of wedlock or from de facto unions. At ESJP Abogados, we understand how important family stability is in Oaxaca. Our team of attorneys is dedicated to offering you the legal support you need in a variety of Family Law cases. Whether you need to resolve conflicts related to: Alimony : To request the establishment, modification, or enforcement of alimony. Custody and Visitation : Advice and representation in cases of determination, modification or dispute of custody of minors, as well as in the regulation of visits. Parental Authority : Assistance in determining and exercising parental authority over minors, including the administration of property and making important decisions. Divorce : To request the dissolution of the marriage, either by voluntary divorce (mutual agreement) or without cause. Recognition or Derecognition of Paternity : To legally establish the paternity of a minor or to challenge it. Adoption : To obtain the legal adoption of a minor or a person of legal age in accordance with legal provisions. Partition of Inheritance : To distribute the assets of an inheritance among the heirs in accordance with the testamentary provisions or the laws of intestate succession. Common-Law Unions : Legal advice for couples in common-law unions (also known as consensual unions or free unions), including the regulation of property and personal rights and duties. Domestic Violence : Legal representation for victims of domestic violence, including protection orders and safety measures. Name and Gender Changes : Advice and representation in legal processes for name and gender changes in official documents, in accordance with current laws. Estate Planning : Preparation of prenuptial agreements, wills, powers of attorney and other legal tools to protect and manage family assets. Contact us today for a free initial consultation and find out how we can help you secure the future and well-being of your loved ones in the field of Family Law in Oaxaca. Your family deserves the best! We are here to help you every step of the way. Do you need help? Contact us

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  • Derecho mercantil | ESJP Abogados

    Commercial Law ¿Qué es? In the State of Oaxaca, many incidents have been reported with the theft of savings from bank accounts of clients of various banks, such as in the towns of Oaxaca, Tuxtepec, Juchitán, Puerto Escondido, Pinotepa, Huajuapan de León, Salina Cruz. As a result of the above, our legal team has managed to emerge victorious in the various commercial trials in which we have managed to get the banking institutions to return their savings to our clients, who were seriously affected in their assets. Therefore, we reiterate the invitation to the population that has been affected, to contact us immediately, to provide them with legal support for the defense of their assets. As a large law firm, we have among the members of our legal team, specialists who can do a great job in favor of your interests, do not hesitate to contact us at or schedule an appointment at 9511893699. Commercial law, also known as business law, is a branch of private law that regulates legal relations arising from commercial activities, that is, those related to trade, business and companies; it is essential for the functioning of the economy and provides a legal framework that allows the development of commercial activities in a safe and orderly manner. Commercial law is made up of a set of legal norms, both national and international, that regulate aspects such as the constitution, organization, operation and dissolution of companies. Commercial law regulates different types of companies, such as commercial companies (public limited companies, limited liability companies, etc.), cooperative societies, commercial associations, among others. Although commercial law primarily regulates relations between businesses, it also includes consumer protection regulations, especially in relation to misleading advertising, abusive commercial practices and liability for defective products. It regulates commercial contracts, which are agreements between businessmen or between businessmen and consumers to carry out commercial activities. Some examples of commercial contracts are the sales contract, the transport contract, the commercial leasing contract, among others. Boost your business with our specialized services in Commercial Law and quick solutions to your financial challenges At ESJP Abogados, we understand that the business environment in Oaxaca requires fast and effective responses to unexpected financial challenges. Our team of lawyers is here to offer you comprehensive solutions in Business Law, adapted to the changing needs of your company. Our legal services include: Company Formation : Advice on the creation of commercial companies and legal structuring to start your business successfully, including advice on choosing the most suitable type of company for your business, the preparation and review of articles of incorporation and procedures before the Public Registry of Commerce, as well as procedures for the dissolution and liquidation of companies. Commercial Contracts : Drafting and negotiating contracts (purchase, lease, franchise, distribution, among others) to protect your interests in commercial and financial transactions. Commercial Litigation : Representation in disputes over breach of contract, unfair competition and intellectual property. Mergers and Acquisitions : Assistance in merger, acquisition and restructuring processes to facilitate effective business transactions. Data Protection and Intellectual Property : Defense of copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, as well as compliance with privacy regulations. Tax and Financial Consulting : Guidance on tax aspects, financial planning and compliance with tax obligations. In addition, we offer quick solutions for specific financial problems such as: Financial Fraud : Legal assistance in cases of card cloning and other forms of financial fraud. Account Freeze : Representation to resolve situations where your account has been frozen without legal justification. Collection of Promissory Notes and Credit Instruments : Management and recovery of debts through promissory notes, representation in commercial executive trials and advice on the issuance and endorsement of credit instruments. Contact us today for a free initial consultation and discover how we can help you overcome financial and legal challenges with effective, growth-oriented solutions for your business. Trust us to protect and grow your business in the competitive Oaxacan market! Do you need help? Contact us

  • Seguridad Social | ESJP ABOGADOS

    Social security What is it? According to the International Labour Organization ( ILO ), social security is the protection that society provides its members against economic and social deprivation. This includes situations such as illness, maternity, work accidents, unemployment, disability, old age and death. It also covers medical care and support for families with children. In Mexico, there are two public institutions that provide social security: From a legal perspective, social security aims to: Guarantee the right to health and medical care . Protecting livelihoods ( ensuring income in cases of old age, illness, disability, etc. ). Provide social services for individual and collective well-being. Social security is a fundamental human right , it is not static; it evolves over time and with the needs of society. It arises as a response to the vulnerability of people to situations such as illness, old age or unemployment . The Mexican Social Security Institute ( IMSS ): Founded in 1943, the IMSS is the institution with the greatest presence in health care and social protection for Mexicans. And the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers ( ISSSTE ): Which provides social security to state workers and their families. En ESJP Abogados, entendemos la importancia de tu seguridad social. Nuestro equipo de abogados en Oaxaca está listo para asistirte en una variedad de casos legales que pueden afectar tus derechos y beneficios. Ya sea que necesites resolver un problema en casos como: ​ Reclamaciones de pensión : Si te han denegado tu pensión por invalidez, vejez o viudez , podemos ayudarte a presentar reclamaciones efectivas. En Oaxaca, nuestro equipo legal, ha tenido la experiencia de éxito en brindar el apoyo requerido, muchas de las veces ha trabajadores que han perdido a un ser querido. A manera de ejemplo, hemos apoyado a personal de la educación que desempeñan su labor docente, y quienes durante la pandemia de covid perdieron a sus compañeros de vida, ya sea por estar casados o vivir en concubinato, derivado de ello, al demandar la pensión por viudez, la misma les fue negada por el ISSSTE al argumentar que al encontrarse trabajando, dicho derecho se les suspendía hasta en tanto llegará el momento de jubilarse, y eligieran entre la pensión de la esposa o esposo, o la que les corresponde a ellos. En dicho contexto, hemos logrado que los Jueces de Distrito del Poder Judicial Federal, determinen ilegal dicha determinación del ISSSTE, logrando con ello, que los trabajadores cuenten con su salario como docentes, más la pensión de viudez que por Ley les corresponde. Recupera tus Derechos: Transición al Régimen del Décimo Transitorio del ISSSTE ​ ¿Qué es el Régimen del Décimo Transitorio? ​ El Régimen del Décimo Transitorio es una modalidad de pensión establecida por la Ley del ISSSTE que ofrece beneficios adicionales a los trabajadores que optaron por este régimen durante su vida laboral. Este régimen fue creado como una medida transitoria para aquellos empleados que, en su momento de elección, eligieron esta opción en lugar de otros regímenes disponibles. ​ ¿Qué son las Cuentas Individuales? ​ Las Cuentas Individuales son otro régimen de pensión dentro del ISSSTE, donde los aportes de cada trabajador se acumulan en una cuenta personal. El monto final de la pensión dependerá de las contribuciones realizadas a lo largo de la carrera laboral y de los rendimientos generados por estas inversiones. ​ Diferencias Clave entre el Régimen del Décimo Transitorio y las Cuentas Individuales ​ Beneficios de Pensión: Décimo Transitorio: Ofrece una pensión más favorable y estable, garantizando beneficios adicionales que no dependen únicamente de las contribuciones individuales. Cuentas Individuales: La pensión está sujeta al monto acumulado en la cuenta individual y a los rendimientos obtenidos, lo que puede resultar en montos variables al momento de la jubilación. Seguridad y Estabilidad: Décimo Transitorio: Proporciona mayor seguridad y previsibilidad en los ingresos futuros, ya que los beneficios están definidos por la ley. Cuentas Individuales: La variabilidad de los rendimientos puede afectar la estabilidad de los ingresos futuros. Elegibilidad y Requisitos: Décimo Transitorio: Beneficia a aquellos que optaron por este régimen durante su vida laboral, garantizando el retorno a este régimen para maximizar sus beneficios. Cuentas Individuales: Disponible para todos los trabajadores que eligen este régimen, pero sin las ventajas adicionales del Décimo Transitorio. ​ ¿Por Qué Conviene Más Cotizar bajo el Régimen del Décimo Transitorio? ​ Mayor Beneficio de Pensión: ​ ​ Los trabajadores que cotizan bajo el Régimen del Décimo Transitorio reciben una pensión más alta y estable en comparación con las Cuentas Individuales, ya que este régimen incluye beneficios adicionales establecidos por la ley.​ Protección Contra la Variabilidad del Mercado: ​​A diferencia de las Cuentas Individuales, donde el monto de la pensión puede fluctuar según los rendimientos de las inversiones, el Régimen del Décimo Transitorio garantiza una pensión fija y predecible. ​ Beneficios Adicionales: Incluye beneficios como mejores condiciones para la pensión por viudez, mayores coberturas y otras ventajas que no están disponibles en el régimen de Cuentas Individuales. ​ Mayor Seguridad Financiera:​ Al optar por el Régimen del Décimo Transitorio, los trabajadores aseguran una mayor seguridad financiera para su jubilación, evitando la incertidumbre que puede generar la dependencia de los rendimientos de las inversiones. ​ Nuestro Compromiso en ESJP Abogados ​ En ESJP Abogados, entendemos la importancia de elegir el régimen de pensión adecuado para asegurar tu bienestar futuro. Hemos ayudado a numerosos trabajadores que, sin haber elegido explícitamente su régimen de pensión, fueron asignados a Cuentas Individuales y les fue aplicado este régimen de manera automática. Nuestro equipo legal ha logrado que estos trabajadores regresen al Régimen del Décimo Transitorio, garantizando así que reciban los beneficios completos que la ley les otorga. ​ ¿Estás en esta situación? Contáctanos hoy mismo para recibir asesoría personalizada y recuperar tus derechos bajo el Régimen del Décimo Transitorio del ISSSTE. ​ Beneficios de Trabajar con ESJP Abogados ​ Experiencia Comprobada: Hemos obtenido resultados exitosos en casos similares, asegurando que nuestros clientes reciban lo que les corresponde por ley. Asesoría Personalizada: Cada caso es único, por lo que ofrecemos soluciones a medida para cada trabajador. Compromiso con tus Derechos: Nos dedicamos a proteger y defender tus derechos laborales y de pensión. ​ Igualmente te podemos ayudar en diversos temas, acude con nosotros. ​ Incapacidades y seguros sociales : Te acompañamos en el proceso para obtener tu incapacidad permanente total o parcial , asegurando que recibas los beneficios que mereces. Asesoría laboral : Resolvemos conflictos laborales relacionados con despidos injustificados, condiciones de trabajo inseguras, y más, para proteger tus derechos como trabajador. No dudes en contactarnos para una consulta inicial gratuita y descubre cómo podemos ayudarte a proteger y defender tus derechos en el ámbito de la seguridad social en México. ¡Protege tus derechos con nuestros servicios jurídicos especializados ! Do you need help? Contact us See sentences

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