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Criminal law

Criminal law is a branch of public law that regulates human behavior that is considered a crime, as well as establishing the legal consequences that those who commit such crimes must face. Its main objective is to maintain social order, protect the rights and security of people, and promote peaceful coexistence in society.

Mazo del juez en libros

Have you been the victim of a crime and don't know how to file a complaint ? We are here to help you!

To file a complaint in the state of Oaxaca, the following procedure is generally followed:

following procedure:

  1. Go to the competent authority : You must go to the Attorney General's Office
    of the State of Oaxaca (FGE) or the corresponding Specialized Prosecutor's Office
    the type of crime you want to report. You can also file the complaint at a nearby Public Prosecutor's Office.

  2. Filing the complaint : Once at the prosecutor's office or agency, you must file your complaint verbally or in writing. It is recommended that it be in writing to formally record the act.

  3. Required Documentation : The documents that are generally requested to file a complaint in Oaxaca are:

    • Current official identification of the complainant (INE, passport, professional ID, among others).

    • Personal data of the complainant (full name, address, contact telephone number).

    • Detailed description of the events being reported, including location, date and time.

    • If available, any evidence related to the crime (photographs, videos, documents).

    • If you are a victim, additional information may also be requested, such as the name and personal details of the aggressor (if known).

  4. Signing the complaint : The complainant must sign the complaint to legally validate it. Don't forget to ask for the investigation file number.

  5. Follow-up : Once the complaint has been filed, the relevant authority will proceed with the investigation of the case. It is important that the complainant is willing to cooperate with the authority during the investigation process, providing any additional information that may be required.

In any criminal proceeding, a number of procedural guarantees must be respected to ensure a fair trial. This includes the right to be informed of the charges, the right to legal defence, the right to a fair trial, among others.

That is why our Lawyers in Oaxaca are a great option to help you in any criminal process, whether you are the victim or the accused, do not hesitate to contact us.

Do you need help?

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