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Family Law

Family law is a branch of civil law that regulates legal relationships that arise within the family and that involve its members. Its main objective is to protect and regulate the emotional, economic and legal ties between parents, children, spouses and other family members.

Firma de contrato

It covers marriage and conjugal unions. It establishes the rules and requirements for entering into marriage, as well as the rights and obligations of the spouses during the marriage. It also regulates situations such as divorce, separation, annulment of marriage and dissolution of de facto unions.

It regulates other emotional and cohabitation relationships, such as de facto couples, cohabitation unions and single-parent families. It recognises the rights and obligations of couples who live together without being legally married, as well as children born out of wedlock or from de facto unions.

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Visiting a sick person

At ESJP Abogados, we understand how important family stability is in Oaxaca. Our team of attorneys is dedicated to offering you the legal support you need in a variety of Family Law cases.

Whether you need to resolve conflicts related to:

  1. Alimony : To request the establishment, modification, or enforcement of alimony.

  2. Custody and Visitation : Advice and representation in cases of determination, modification or dispute of custody of minors, as well as in the regulation of visits.

  3. Parental Authority : Assistance in determining and exercising parental authority over minors, including the administration of property and making important decisions.

  4. Divorce : To request the dissolution of the marriage, either by voluntary divorce (mutual agreement) or without cause.

  5. Recognition or Derecognition of Paternity : To legally establish the paternity of a minor or to challenge it.

  6. Adoption : To obtain the legal adoption of a minor or a person of legal age in accordance with legal provisions.

  7. Partition of Inheritance : To distribute the assets of an inheritance among the heirs in accordance with the testamentary provisions or the laws of intestate succession.

  8. Common-Law Unions : Legal advice for couples in common-law unions (also known as consensual unions or free unions), including the regulation of property and personal rights and duties.

  9. Domestic Violence : Legal representation for victims of domestic violence, including protection orders and safety measures.

  10. Name and Gender Changes : Advice and representation in legal processes for name and gender changes in official documents, in accordance with current laws.

  11. Estate Planning : Preparation of prenuptial agreements, wills, powers of attorney and other legal tools to protect and manage family assets.

Contact us today for a free initial consultation and find out how we can help you secure the future and well-being of your loved ones in the field of Family Law in Oaxaca. Your family deserves the best! We are here to help you every step of the way.

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