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Administrative Law

What is it?

Administrative law is a branch of public law that regulates the organization, operation and activities of the public administration, as well as the relations between it and citizens. In other words, it is responsible for regulating the actions of the State in its role as administrator of public resources and in the provision of services to society.

At its core, administrative law focuses on rules and principles that govern the administrative activity of the State, including the actions of its bodies, officials and employees. This ranges from the creation of regulations and public policies to the execution of administrative decisions and the resolution of conflicts that may arise in this area.

Separation of powers in Mexico

It is responsible for the administrative organization, that is, the structure and functioning of the public administration, including the division of powers, the creation of public bodies, the distribution of powers and the hierarchy within the administration.

It regulates the rules and processes that must be followed in the actions of the public administration, from the development of regulations to the taking of individual decisions that affect citizens. This includes guarantees of citizen participation, transparency, access to information and administrative resources to challenge decisions.

Child visiting the doctor

El derecho administrativo regula la prestación de servicios públicos esenciales, como educación, salud, transporte, seguridad, entre otros. Esto implica establecer normas para su organización, financiamiento, acceso y calidad. Se encarga de regular los procedimientos y normas aplicables a la contratación de bienes y servicios por parte de la administración pública, garantizando la legalidad, transparencia y eficiencia en el uso de los recursos públicos.

At our law firm, we offer comprehensive advice on administrative law, covering various situations and conflicts that may arise between individuals and the public administration. Our team of experts is prepared to assist in the following cases:

  1. Defense against fines and administrative sanctions : Representation and defense in cases of fines imposed by the SAT, advice for the presentation of administrative appeals, negotiation with tax authorities, and strategies for the reduction or cancellation of fines.

  2. Administrative procedures : Assistance in procedures and processes before various government entities, preparation and presentation of appeals, review and nullity resources, and representation in administrative hearings and trials.

  3. Defense of human and constitutional rights : Advice on cases of human rights violations by authorities, presentation of complaints and appeals to human rights organizations, and strategic litigation in defense of constitutional rights.

Contact us today to receive expert legal advice and resolve any issues related to administrative law in Oaxaca!

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