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What is it?

In Mexico, the Amparo is a legal "shield" that protects human rights and individual guarantees against acts of authority that violate them, regulated by the Amparo Law and the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. It allows any person to challenge unjust actions or those that violate their fundamental rights. If a law or act of authority affects your rights, you can go to the Amparo trial. The court will review your case and, if the violation is confirmed, may order the act to be stopped or corrected, thus guaranteeing respect for the rights of Mexican citizens within the legal limits.

There are two types of protection.

Court chairs

Direct Amparo is a legal tool that allows a person to request the protection of the federal justice system when a final judgment (a final decision in a trial) or a resolution (an important decision within the trial) violates their constitutional rights.

Characteristics of Direct Protection:

  • Objective : To protect against final judgments or resolutions that violate constitutional rights.

  • Procedure : It is initiated before the court that issued the contested decision and is sent to the Circuit Collegiate Court for review.

  • Last resort : It is used when there are no more ordinary resources available within the same trial.

  • Who can apply : Anyone affected by a final court decision that they consider unfair to their constitutional rights.

  • Result : If granted, it may annul the contested judgment or resolution and order a new decision that respects the applicant's constitutional rights.

The court reviews the case and may request more information or evidence if necessary. After reviewing all the elements, the court decides whether or not to grant the relief.

Direct Amparo guarantees that judicial decisions respect the fundamental rights enshrined in the Mexican Constitution, ensuring justice and equity.

Indirect Amparo is a legal protection in Mexico that is used when a person feels that an authority has violated their human rights or individual guarantees, but it is not a final judgment. This type of amparo is presented before a District Judge.

Characteristics of Indirect Protection:

  • Objective : To protect against acts of authority that violate human rights or individual guarantees, without being final sentences in trials.

  • Instances : It is initially presented before a District Judge and, if the resolution is not favorable, it can be appealed before a Circuit Collegiate Court.

  • Scope of application : It can be used against laws, administrative acts, arrest warrants or any act of authority that is not a final judgment .

  • Procedure : Requires the submission of a written statement detailing the facts and constitutional violations . The judge reviews whether the requested protection should be granted.

  • Purpose : Seeks to correct or stop actions by authorities that violate rights before the final conclusion of the ordinary judicial process.

For example, if an authority such as ISSSTE denies you a right, such as a widow's pension, you can file an indirect appeal so that a judge can review whether this determination is legal and, if it is not, order that it be granted to you.

This process ensures that the actions of the authorities remain within the law and do not violate people's rights.

¿Quiénes resuelven el Juicio de Amparo?

Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN):

  • Function: As the highest court in Mexico, the SCJN handles the most significant amparo cases, especially those that have a national impact or require a direct interpretation of the Constitution.

  • Example: If a new law affects the rights of millions and is challenged, the SCJN could make the final decision on its constitutionality.

  • Tribunales Colegiados de Circuito:

  • Función: Manejan la mayoría de los casos de amparo directo, revisando decisiones finales de otros tribunales para asegurar su legalidad y equidad.

  • Ejemplo: Si consideras que se cometieron errores que afectan tus derechos en un caso judicial, puedes apelar ante un Tribunal Colegiado de Circuito.

  • District Judges and Collegiate Courts of Appeal:

  • Function: District judges handle indirect protection cases, where actions by authorities that are not final judgments are challenged.

  • Example: If an authority makes a decision that affects your rights, such as an arrest warrant , you can go to a district judge to review its legality.

  • El amparo puede proteger una amplia gama de derechos fundamentales, como la libertad personal, la libertad de expresión, el derecho a un juicio justo, la igualdad ante la ley, entre otros. Además, su alcance puede extenderse a actos de autoridades administrativas, legislativas o judiciales. Por eso, desde el origen de nuestra nación, José María Morelos y Pavón en "Los Sentimientos de la Nación" específicamente mencionó la necesidad de un tribunal que proteja a los ciudadanos de decisiones arbitrarias. En el punto 23 de este documento, Morelos expresó:

    "Que la Ley igual proteja a todos, y que esta se dicte de tal manera que, protegiendo la libertad y los derechos de todos, exista un tribunal que proteja de las decisiones arbitrarias."

    Por lo anterior, nuestro equipo de abogados en Oaxaca, tiene la capacidad necesaria para ayudarte a enfrentar tus problemas legales por más desafiantes que estos sean. Por eso, nos comprometemos a ser tu mejor opción para brindarte el apoyo necesario mediante el juicio de amparo. Nuestro equipo de expertos está dedicado a proteger tus derechos y garantizar que se haga justicia en cada caso. 

    Confíe en nosotros para defender sus intereses con profesionalismo y dedicación.

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